domingo, 17 de junho de 2012

The Magic Forest of the Mind

The concept of happiness is very different from person to person and even though there are things and feelings that may be common, the joys of some can be a nightmare for others, so the climber is happy risking his life to beat the mountain while a normal person would feel panic about being exposed to these risks.
Some people are happy leading a quiet and safe life while others die of boredom if not in your life changes, developments and strong excitations.
Happiness depends more on what happens inside us that what happens outside, of the ideas we have about ourselves and about life.
Depends on all the mysteries that live in the Magic Forest of Your Mind.
Within your mind you have everything. The sun and moon, mountains and valleys. The colors of dawn and the shadows of the night. The joy of the waterfalls and the thick fog that permeates the soul of infinite nostalgia.
Inside your mind is the hand that caresses your skin and you miss so much.
If you look inside your mind will always find reasons to be happy and to remain in sorrow.
Because your happiness depends on what you do nor what you have.
It depends on how it is your body and you have more or less gifts. Just depends on how comfortable you are with what you do with what you have, with your body and your gifts.
Basically, happiness depends on you really want to be happy and look so at ease with yourself and to feel all the Love of Life that has allowed you to exist.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

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