sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2013

Asexuality and aromanticism...

We have rhythms - ebbs and flows... We have periods of extroversion and periods of introversion. These are normal and each person's rhythms are unique. There is no general pattern that we should all conform to.

Even in Tantra there can be celibacy. There is 'Right-hand path' Tantra and 'Left-hand path' Tantra... The Tantra of the right-hand path works with the energies internally, combining 'Heaven' and 'Earth' (Shiva and Shakti) within the microcosm of the body. It can be practised in celibacy - and for some people, or for some periods of our lives this can be appropriate path.

However when this state is unchanging over a long period of time, it could be a sign of being stuck... It is natural for everything in the manifest world to have its fluctuations...

Many people, but mostly women, find it difficult to experience a full release of the Life-force that is dormant in their bodies - allowing it to flow through them as orgasmic (or 'orgastic') potency.
Here is a quote from Wilhelm Reich about this:

"Psychic health depends on orgastic potency, i.e., upon the degree to which one can surrender to and experience the climax of excitation in the natural sexual act. It is founded upon the healthy character attitude of the individual’s capacity for love. Psychic illnesses are the result of a disturbance of the natural capacity for love."

So... I'd say that while each person has their own timing and their own way of expressing themselves in their relationship with Life, it is good to be aware of the possibility that in chronic asexuality there could be a 'blockage' - a resistance to the fullness of Life.

Peter Littlejohn Cook

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