quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2013

Live the Love

There is no degree of importance, you don't have a major one and lesser ones.
Every person has a different place, a different importance. 
Simply because every person is unique, impossible to compare, each relationship brings unique things, just as it happens with our friends I think we all have many frinends who are equally important in our hearts and lives but we feel a different feeling for each one of them.

Nearly all of my relationships have been open.
I've had more than one partner at the time and I've intensely and devotedly loved two people at the same time, at times even three. Actually, till this day I've never stopped loving the people I've been involved with, even if the nature of my intimacy with them may have changed.
I've been monogamous, when it naturally happened, I've been polygamous when it naturally happened. Mostly, I've worked on my personal mind/social barriers to realize how fully I needed to live the Love I feel and the way it expresses towards diferent people at iferent times.
Loving more than one person never meant loving or desiring less other one.Just differently, yet absolutly devotedly and respectfully.
Monogamy isn't a problem, polygamy isn't a problem, as long as it is natural for you and not imposed (even self imposed), nothing is a problem. I believe that's the whole point of this discussion, there is no problem, only Love and Freedom and our individual openness to experience it.

Also, I must say I've Loved more than one person at the same time without having sexual involvement, and I've been in monogamous relationships being in celibacy. All is possible within Love, and expressions of Love can manifest in so many ways.
Likewise, desire can manifest sexually or not (for instance my sexual drive is often more directed to my art than to my romantic life, as a major creative, loving force), and by no means do any of the circumstances described mean that I Love my partner or people I may be involved with in different levels any less.

All is possible in a natural way to the psyche and the being.
But this is how I truly feel, this is my integrity in Love (my way to integrate and be integrally in Love and life), it goes for me, but each of us has a unique way to perceive Love and Life as powerfull forces.
For me freedom of acceptance is my way to commit to Love, in an absolute sense.

Peter Littlejohn Cook

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