sábado, 13 de julho de 2013

The Cosmic Giggle (full film)

The Cosmic Giggle is an experimental documentary film that explores the human energy field's dynamic relationship with our environment.
A documentary film about the expanding dimensional awareness of humanity.

Naturally as human beings, we are connected to a vast network of fluid information inherent to the world around us.
When we are children, we are open to this field through simple innocent observance, but because of our collective evolution towards a dominating and fixated worldview, this perception becomes veiled.
This film reveals how this process takes place and provides keys for returning to a more primal and authentic experience of our reality.

"(the Cosmic Giggle) is a randomly roving zone of synchronicity and statistical anomaly. Should you be caught up in it, it will turn reality on its head. It is objective and subjective, simultaneously 'really there' and yet somehow is sustained by imagination and expectation; the umbilicus of our ontology, the place where we see that the world came from something very different from what it now appears to be." - Terrance McKenna

With December 21, 2012 just around the corner, the ancient Maya and their mysterious time keeping system are rapidly becoming forefront in mainstream culture. Doing a Google search of the phrase “December 21 2012” yields over fifty million results, and Amazon carries almost sixty thousand books on the subject. This upsurge in interest spans a wide array of speculation, from the apocalyptic doom of the Hollywood film “2012” to new age prophecies of ascension.

People have been predicting the end time for the whole span of history, but the 2012 phenomenon has a different quality to it. It resonates with people because it indeed seems that the trajectory of our world is now culminating towards some sort of critical mass, whatever the ramifications of that may be. But there is a dearth of widespread information when it comes to authentic truth about what is really going on. The now famous 2012 end date has been extrapolated to many different conclusions, but to understand it’s significance and everything surrounding the whole idea, we need to return to the original context of this concept.

This film aims to delve into what we know from the ancient Maya civilization and their advanced knowledge of astronomy, as well as the wisdom from shamanic practice both ancient and modern to gain a deeper understanding of the rhythms of the universe and illuminate our current situation.

With the rapidly changing landscape of our daily lives and our advanced science and technology, we have lost a connection to a deeper part of ourselves. Albert Einstein said that no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it, and we need to reclaim our forgotten ancient wisdom in order to gain new insight on the looming global problems that at times seem so overwhelming and complex. There is still a timeless magic in the world, even though it is sometimes hard to see.

The ancient Maya left us a legacy of a civilization with an enormously sophisticated understanding of forms of knowing beyond science. It's hard for us to admit that any civilization of the past may have known something that we didn't, but through an in depth examination of the secrets they left us, as well as the modern resurgence of this type of knowing, this film aims to bridge that gap between the eternal wisdom of the past and our modern era.

The film will feature interviews with experts on Mayan history, modern day shamans, futurists, and leaders in evolving global consciousness as well as footage of the sites where the mayan calendar originated.

With Adam Apollo, Lujan Matus, Rev Gayatri Devi, Mary Lou Ridinger, Georgeann Johnson.
Produced by Michael Armstrong and Matthew Blankenship Jr.

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