sábado, 18 de outubro de 2014

Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass

To give you a sense of just how small the Plank's length really is: if you made each of the little tiny Planck units the size of a grain of sand, then a proton (which has 10 to the 60 units inside it's tiny volume, or: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000), then a proton would reach from here to Alpha Centauri, the next closest star to the sun, which is 4.37 light-years away!

The key to arranging these tiny little oscillations of the vacuum is not to make them into little cubes (as traditional standard-model physics likes to do), it is to use spherical units (like the universe creates on all scales) called PSUs (Planck spherical units). If you put spheres side-by-side they would leave little gaps, so in order to have the spherical units perfectly define the structure of space you need to arrange them in a way that is perfectly space-filling: an arrangement of 3D waveforms that over-lap, causing a lattice of vecica piscis petal shapes where the spherical wave functions interact: a 3D Flower of Life pattern.

The flower of life pattern has been encoded as a "2D" ancient symbol in many civilization's art and documents around the world for thousands of years. Pictured below is the Fu Dog that guards the Forbidden City in China with a 3D flower of life structure under its paw. The Fu Dog, just like the Sphinx in Egypt are the protectors and guardians of knowledge and information. A geometric solution for gravity has been right under our noses (and our paws) this whole time!

The Flower of Life and the 64 tetrahedron grid are different expressions of the very same underlying organizational geometric principal of spacetime.

64 perfectly packed tetrahedrons with a sphere around each tetrahedron forms a "3D" flower of life structure where the space is completely filled, with the spheres perfectly over-lapping, with no gaps inside. If one were to shine a light though this structure on to a "2D" surface, the familiar "flower of life" symbol would be cast. There is no such thing as anything "flat" in the universe. An infinite scalar flower of life and the tetrahedral array centering each of it's spheres is the geometric organizational principal for the structure of the vacuum of spacetime from the cosmological to the quantum.

You need to study the geometry of both the (male) tetrahedrons AND the (female) spheres to understand how the universe creates and organizes itself on all scales... 

Fractal scaling of the Flower of Life pattern provides an insight into the perception of the holofractographic structure of space and time...

Everything is connected by the geometry of the vacuum.

More info: http://resonance.is/


Hologram + Fractal + Geometry = Holofractographic

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